
Hello! Welcome to my about page! At the moment it's not of a huge amount of use, since a lot of my details are on my homepage, but that will change once I have content to upload here! I intend for this website to be a place to host my webcomics since a lot of the actual hosting sites don't offer much in the way of page customisation or anything like that, so I thought, y'know, why not just make my own site?

I've never actually worked with coding before outside of extremely minimal stuff in school and some that didn't utilise CSS at any point, so it's just the black-text-white-background-times-new-roman sort of stuff. Y'know, super ugly and uninteresting. But hey, I'm starting to get the hang of it now! For that reason, this is both for my webcomics and as a bit of a learning project!

I only actually found out what the css stylesheet is and why it's important thanks to fellow neocities user Bogleech, via a post he made on tumblr with a basic HTML template, so thank you to him for that!!